Tuesday 8 December 2009

Finished Piece - PC Gaming: The Forgotten Platform

After undergoing all of our research and finding out the forms and conventions of documentaries we were able to create a documentary which both used and challenged these forms and conventions.

This is our finished documentary. As you can see we have tried to keep CGI to a minimum and instead used a range of different cuts, voice overs and images to keep people entertained. Fst cuts and different images keep people focused on the video and allow them to enjoy it more. We used the specific music to make the documentary more cheerful due to the fact that some people may class the subject of 'PC gaming' as boring. It also makes the viewer listen to what the presenter is actully saying enabling them to take in all the information he is putting forward. Also because of the fact the music is calm, it allows the viewer to actully think about what is being said and come up with their own views on the matter.

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