Tuesday 8 December 2009

RESEARCH - Location and Presentation

After deciding what the documentary would be on, we then had to decide on what specific locations we would film in, how it would look and be presented. We decided on using secluded locations for shots where the presenter (Joseph Stanley) would be speaking. This is due to the fact that PC gamers or 'Nerds' are not seen to be very sociable with the outside world.

These are a few location shots of places we went to. As you can see they are generally secluded places. The use of Joseph as the presenter was also a good choice, as he is very enthusiastic about PC gaming, he is seen as a 'Nerd' but also as a 'normal' teenager. This was good because if he had been perceived as just a 'Nerd' then the documentary may be seen as biased. The documentary was presented in a formal way so that it would be taken seriously rather than seen as a mocumentary.

This picture is of the LAN party. We took a camera to a LAN party which was held at a friends house. We aimed at portraying all the people there as 'Nerds' but also showing that to them, what they are doing is fun.

This is the location that we chose to do our interview, a local, small games shop in town.

We chose this spot for the second place where the presenter would speak to that audience. This is due to the fact it is yet again another secluded place where there are no distractions.

This is where we chose to do our introduction dialog, because it is a secluded spot which helps the audience to view the presenter as being 'lonely' or 'unsociable'.

Overall we watched a number of different documentaries ranging from, Bowling for Columbine, Supersize me and a few different variaties of historical documentaries. This enabled us to see how presenters present documentaries and gave us a variety of ideas of how ours would eventually be presented.

These are a few examples:

These are the introductions to "supersize me" and "Bowling for Columbine" but they also allow you to see the way in which the presenter puts forward the necessary information to the viewers.

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